Wigs and Why We Love Them!
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What is a wig? A wig is a pre-made unit of hair extensions threaded together on a spandex, netted, or nylon cap and usually made with bundles of hair and a lace closure or lace frontal. Wigs provide major benefits some of which are unknown such as convenience especially if made glue-less or u-part and serving as a protective style to safeguard your natural hair. Now there are some downsides to wigs such as many are not made to wear immediately so you must modify them before wearing which may include cutting the lace and/or bleaching it and can take some time especially if...
The Do's and Don'ts of Hair Coloring

Color Tips To Consider Most of us have wanted to color our hair at one point or another. Coloring hair is a fun process that leaves us with a fresh, new style to rock. When I dyed my hair for the first time, I was smart enough to use a professional. However, even though I used a professional hair stylist the first time, there were some do’s and don’t that I forgot to acknowledge when it came to coloring my hair the second time. Anyone that wants to dye their hair needs to know the essential things to do and...
The Meaning of Holidays to Daring Beauty

As we enter and celebrate "the most wonderful time of year" we would like to wish you a Happy Holidays! This time of year can be cheerful, peaceful, and exhilarating but it can also be depressing, stressful, and dreadful. Not sure which feeling or emotion describes you or your loved ones but know that you are not alone. There is said to be a peace or tranquility when we know we're not facing things alone or just have that support we desire. With that being said, we wish you the best. Nevertheless, Daring Beauty has always been a space...
Why Women Love Hair Extensions

5 Tips You Will Agree With! No matter what your background is, some good hair extensions will be one of the best investments you make. There are plenty of women that love hair extensions, and there are plenty of reasons why. When I first started wearing hair extensions, I was exposed to the greatness of them. At first, I didn’t realize how many benefits they had for my hair. When I would protect my natural hair using extensions, I noticed that my hair grew much faster, was healthier and overall better than before. After years of wearing extensions, I’ve realized...